Classes, interfaces and traits


Class Env

Helper for handling changing variables in different environments Known environment variables: - <code>string iam_service_url</code> the Url to the IAM Service - <code>string payment_service_url</code> the Url to the Payment Service - <code>string locale</code> language code, use only 2 letters like 'en'
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A filter holds information for filtering data via the API.

Example: ``` $filter = new Filter('created', '2018-10-23', '>='); ``` If you want to filter for `NULL` values, you can pass the string `'NULL'` as value.
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Class Logger

This is only the Wrapper for a PSR Logger and not the actual Logger. Implements some convenience functions for better logging.
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A query represents a set of query parameters for a GET request

You should use it to pass query and filter parameters to the Client's get* methods. For example: ``` $myQuery = new Query(); $myQuery->set('foo', 'bar'); $myQuery->setPageSize(10); $myQuery->addFilter(new Filter('field', 'value')); ```
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Booking widget embedding utility

For integrating the booking process into a partner platform, a widget is available. Widgets are referenced by Widget-Hash. You need to embed the Widget <code>/assets/js/widgetapi.js</code> into your hostpage and use the <code>NextEventWidgetAPI</code> to interact with the widget. ### Embed Widget ```php <?php use NextEvent\PHPSDK\Client; $appUrl = ''; $credentials = [...]; $widgetHash = 's67fa757df4a76s5'; $client = new Client($appUrl, $credentials, $widgetHash); // get Widget $widget = $client->getWidget(); // embed Widget echo $widget->generateEmbedCode($event_id); ``` ### NextEventWidgetAPI The <code>NextEventWidgetAPI</code> is a JavaSrcipt script, which you can use to register Message Handlers. Therefore the script has to be included into the hostpage. Use <code>NextEventWidgetAPI</code> for retrieving the <code>order_id</code> and send it to your server. Use <code>NextEventWidgetAPI</code> to show your own payment step on <code>current_step</code> message ```html <script src="/assets/js/widgetapi.js"></script> ``` When the script is included the NextEventWidgetAPI is available by <code>window .NextEventWidgetAPI</code> ```js function custom_handler(data) { // do something with the data } // handler can be added window.NextEventWidgetAPI.addMessageHandler('current_step', custom_handler); // and removed window.NextEventWidgetAPI.removeMessageHandler('current_step', custom_handler); ``` ### Widget Messages #### current_step This message is send on changing routes. <code>step</code> current step a path example data: ```js { step: '/event/42' } { step: '/payment' } { step: '/checkout' } ``` #### basket_update This message is send when the basket is updated <code>order_id</code> id from current basket example data: ```js { order_id: 5005 } ```
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Classes, interfaces and traits


Interface LogContextInterface

General Interface used to provide function to convert implementor class to an array, which can be used for the log context.
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